How to Write a Mission Statement

by | September 25, 2024

A mission statement is your company’s North Star—it keeps you on track and shows why you exist. It’s a quick, powerful way to tell the world what you’re all about. Done right, it inspires your team, attracts customers, and sets you apart.

Mission Statements Drive Decisions and Actions

Your mission statement helps you make tough calls by acting as a filter for your decisions. Facing a big opportunity? Check if it aligns with your mission. Deciding on a new product or service? See if it matches your core purpose. It also guides daily actions—how you interact with customers, choose marketing strategies, and prioritize projects. Essentially, it keeps everyone focused on what truly matters to your brand.

Building a Mission Statement

A great mission statement typically includes three main components:

  1. Purpose: Why does your organization exist? What do you want to accomplish?
  2. Values: What principles guide your actions?
  3. Goals: What are you working toward, and how do you plan to get there? 

In a sentence, this could look like, “At [Organization Name], we exist to [purpose] by [values], working towards [goals] to make a difference in [target audience/industry].”

Tips for Creating a Clear and Impactful Mission Statement

  • Keep it simple: Your mission statement should be easy to understand and remember.
  • Be authentic: Don’t use buzzwords or jargon—every word counts.
  • Make it specific: Clearly define your purpose, values, and goals.

Examples of Mission Statements

For-Profit Organizations

Examples of Successful Mission Statements from Well-Known Companies

  1. Google: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
  2. Walmart: “We aim to build a better world — helping people live better and renew the planet while building thriving, resilient communities. “
  3. Amazon: “Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, Earth’s best employer, and Earth’s safest place to work..”
  4. Starbucks: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”

These statements are clear and to the point, showing each company’s purpose and what they stand for.

Common Elements of Effective Mission Statements

Looking at these mission statements, they all have a few things in common:

  1. Clarity: They’re easy to understand—no fluff, just the facts.
  2. Purpose-driven: They clearly outline the company’s “why.”
  3. Inspiring: They motivate and give a sense of direction.
  4. Conciseness: They’re brief—just one or two sentences.
  5. Customer-focused: They speak to the customer’s needs and aspirations.

Structure of a Good Mission Statement

Based on these examples, a solid mission statement should include:

  1. A Clear Purpose: What’s your organization’s big “why”?
  2. Core Values: What principles guide your actions?
  3. Impact Statement: How does your work benefit customers or the community?

Best Practices for Mission Statements

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Being too vague: Avoid generic phrases. Be specific about what makes you unique.
  • Using jargon: Keep it simple—no one likes confusing buzzwords.
  • Making it too long: Aim for one to two sentences.

Guidelines for Ensuring an Effective and Memorable Mission Statement

  • Stay true to your brand: Reflect your brand’s personality and values.
  • Get input from your team: Make sure it resonates with everyone.
  • Keep it visible: Display your mission statement where everyone can see it.


Remember, a mission statement is more than just a catchy phrase—it’s a tool that guides your organization and communicates your purpose to the world. A strong mission statement can inspire, motivate, and set you apart.

Good Luck with Your Own Mission Statement!

Now’s the perfect time to revisit your mission statement or create one to represent your brand. Be sure to stay authentic, clear, and purposeful. Good luck as you craft a mission statement!



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